Day 5 – Wednesday If you fish from dusk till dawn you are sure to catch something. Whether it hits the scoreboard or not isn’t what matters. It’s about the trip, a journey to the end of the earth if you will. Getting away from the ‘burbs and back to nature,...
Day Four – Tuesday When you come from the land down under, you have to be ready for all four seasons in one day and that is exactly what was delivered in Evans Head on Tuesday morning. Strangely, the November rain fell in July and it was wet wet wet down at the...
Day 3 Monday The mood in Evans Head was dreary as the cloudy grey skies surrounding the English cricket team last night. The famed Bacon and Egg rolls from Lennox Smoke and barrel were not even available to brighten the mood for the early morning competitors, but...
Day 2 Sunday Competitors woke up on July 2nd, and Evans Head provided clear skies and plenty of sun but managed to combine that with gentle breeze in close and ugly conditions the farther offshore you went. As a result, not many boats actually braved the early morning...
Kids Weekend The sun shone on the kids day as the kids swarmed like seagulls to a chip, ever hovering the stage to scoop up a prize. The Shimano lads rigged plastics like their lives depended on it while Nicole from the admin office had a casual lunch and turned up...
Evans Head Classic Day 1 – Saturday Wow. It was as cold as a frog in a frozen pool early on day 1. The weather started out sunny, but as the day progressed, the clouds started to roll in. Brief sunny periods, where we were able to sunbake on site, were...