Day Four – Tuesday
When you come from the land down under, you have to be ready for all four seasons in one day and that is exactly what was delivered in Evans Head on Tuesday morning. Strangely, the November rain fell in July and it was wet wet wet down at the event area. Some locals were wondering how this could happen time after time but as the animals we will once again become the house of the rising sun.
There was no baby shark photographed and sent in for the judges choice category, instead that went to David Mathieson who braved the highway to hell and the rain to land a fantastic and weird looking snake mackerel.
An early start for Arrow Oldfield had him looking like a zombie zombie zombie e e but all was okay once an 868mm AJ/Sambo hit the deck. Sometimes when you are chasing snapper it feels like you are livin’ on a prayer but Damien Radclyffe did exactly that with a 700mm knobby. I got a feeling that Chris Jolley will be at the pointy end of the leaderboard at the end of the week with his 697mm trag. On another boat, it was raining diamonds and pearls with pearl perch swinging over the side for Robert Hargraves while he tried stayin’ alive while wondering have I ever seen the rain like this.
Bernard Richter would walk 500 miles for another blackfish as he chases down the biggest he can find. His 460mm fish for day 3 was enough to claim a win. Several bream had Hamish Soutar walking on sunshine, even though there wasn’t any, but he managed to get lucky with a 394mm fish. Joshua Hotschilt finished second to Brodie Gosling’s 935mm fish for the flathead category. He was last heard singing I still haven’t found what I’m looking for as he trudged back across the Evans Head bridge, meanwhile whilst whistling I will always love you, Ryan Kerhaghan extracted another dart from his secret school of fish as the chorus of never tear us apart started playing.
And as another one bites the dust, stay at it because here comes the sun in the days ahead.