Day Two – Sunday
Day two kicked off under ideal conditions, but by 2pm, the event was turned on its head. New COVID rules came into effect requiring mask wearing, social distancing and genuinely throwing the organisers into a tizz trying to ensure the event met the new rules. Multiple meetings with the RSL club later and we were able to proceed in the evening.
Even wrangling over 180 kids for the morning kid’s talks and fishing demonstration was easier than understanding and implementing the new COVID rules. The Shimano team turned up with stack of giveaways making sure no young ones were left without at least something from the event.
Day two results changed a little with Zac Litle taking out the Bream category, Macklin Grothe landing a flathead of 480mm to take out that section while a just legal 270mm whiting for Charlie Palmer was enough to secure him victory. It was good to see different winners for each day.
The cadets category also changed with Hamish Souter taking out Bream, Macklin Growth, flathead and Alyssa Symonds the whiting.
Notable catches for the adults category included Gary Enkelman with a whopping 562mm dart, Ben campbell with a 590mm pearl perch. He was going invite us all around for dinner but ran out of fillets apparently. We don’t believe him. One of the more unusual captures was a big fat slimy cuttlefish of 960mm.